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Flowing with Blessings Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to supporting Atlanta’s homeless population, has teamed up with industrial design students from Georgia Tech to develop an innovative Mobile Laundry Bus, according to the university’s News Center. Founded by Nicky Crawford in February 2022, Flowing with Blessings provides essential services such as showers and clean clothing for those in need. Georgia Tech reported that Crawford’s commitment to alleviating the daily struggles of those they serve — by helping individuals preserve their cherished belongings and maintain personal hygiene without the stigma often associated with homelessness — inspired the creation of the mobile laundry bus. Crawford bought a school bus to convert it into a mobile laundry service, going to Georgia Tech for help with the process. The initiative, led by Steve Chininis, professor of practice at the School of Industrial Design, involved students Zaria Hardnett, David Hounyo, Lily Liang, Claudia Ross, and...
The concept of work/life balance has been a significant sticking point in the social consciousness for years now, especially highlighted in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and beyond. For some working individuals, going above and beyond seems to be the only way to feel valued at work, while others argue that they’re only willing to offer minimum performance for minimum payment . The value of hard work has long been a topic of debate, sparking discussions among young professionals and seasoned industry leaders alike—from boardrooms to online forums and beyond. Most recently, American tech mogul Marc Andreessen weighed in, introducing his argument for keeping the so-called “full self” out of the office. To understand the breadth of Andreessen’s comments, we’ll have to briefly unpack what it means to present your full self, dive into the collective opinion on American workplace values, and study industry trends in both social and professional spaces. It’s unlikely that we’ll...
Uber Eats has had a problematic history with how it treats its drivers, but a recent viral video demonstrates how many issues their behavior really raises. Uber Eats driver Smithson Michael, as he’s been identified from his TikTok account, recently went viral after he posted a video of himself crying after receiving a measly $1.19 tip. This tip was received after driving to a client for over an hour. After receiving $1.19 in a tip, and $2 from the app, Michael netted a little more than $3 for over an hour’s worth of work. (The federal minimum wage, as of this writing, for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 per hour. Many states also have minimum wage laws — in New York, for example, the minimum wage starts at $12 per hour, and a $15 minimum — already in place in New York City and its five boroughs — is expected to be enacted statewide by October 2021.) However, Uber Eats drivers are considered self-employed contractors for the company, not actual Uber Eats employees. “I got a...
Many of us who’ve weathered the pandemic-related economic downturn relatively well may have blown some or all of that money on impulse buys. It’s understandable both given the psychic toll of 2020 and the suspect spending habits many of us have. However, with additional checks likely on the way, it’s best to have a plan now for how you might spend that extra money. Here are five responsible ways to use that next stimulus check. Save your stimulus money Part of the reasoning behind the stimulus checks is that getting money into people’s hands will increase consumer spending and help prop up business revenue. However, while spending may be good for the country, it may not be the most prudent decision for you and your family. If you don’t have savings of at least $1,000 (or preferably three to six months’ worth of living expenses), stash that next check to be prepared for emergencies. Invest in stocks 2020 saw the major stock market indices hit historic highs, making many people...
Philadelphia restaurant owner, Saudia Shuler’s drive-thru order recently went viral after she offered two McDonald’s employees higher paying jobs on the spot. The Country Cookin’ owner took to her Instagram to share how she snagged her new employees. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Saudia shuler (@countrycookin1) Increasing the country’s minimum wage has been a controversial topic over the years and many companies have stepped up to the plate to provide employees with an appropriate wage. Last year Amazon increased its minimum wage to $15 and the New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission voted in a new policy to set Uber and Lyft drivers’ minimum wage to $17.22 per hour. Although industry giants have made efforts to increase employee pay, it seems McDonald’s still lags behind. Shuler asked her soon-to-be employee her current wage in which she responded $8.25 per hour. The two McDonald’s employees immediately walked out and accepted Shuler’s $12 an hour offer. View...
Rent prices have increased by two percent to four percent nationwide each year since 2011, according to CoreLogic. While gains in federal and state minimum wage rules have somewhat mitigated the bite for lower-wage earners in certain areas, it’s often not enough to compete with the rising cost of housing. Meanwhile, the population of renters has increased, forcing renters to compete for a finite supply of rental housing, which is already pricing out some people. Using data from the Joint Center of Housing Studies and the Economic Policy Institute, MagnifyMoney identified 16 cities where the median rent claims all of a minimum wage worker’s take-home pay, and then some. Let’s take a look at big cities that are more affordable and ones where the rent is too darn high. Key findings Austin, Texas, is the least affordable major U.S. city for minimum-wage workers. Austin’s median rent is equal to 143 percent of take-home pay at the minimum wage. The median rent in Austin is $1,220 per...
Fashion Nova, the LA-based clothing retailer that became a sensation when worn by celebrity influencers such as rapper Cardi B., is now involved in investigations associated with its affiliates. The clothing line boasts fashionable gear at relatively unmatched prices: with blouses under $20 and jeans under $25. However, there is a reason that Fashion Nova’s clothing is so economical; factory workers are paid far below the minimum wage. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, these subcontractors may owe as much as $4 million in back pay to hundreds of workers. In a recent New York Times article, author Natalie Kitroeff delves deeply into the Fashion Nova underground, interviewing subcontracted factory workers, suppliers, and other insiders. A four-year investigation conducted by the federal Labor Department found that workers were paid as little as under $3 per hour , far below the legal wage limit of $11 to $12 per hour for the state of California, and the $7.25 hourly federal...
The United States is no stranger to labor movements. Throughout the country’s history, members of the working-class have organized in protest of wage cuts, dangerous working conditions, long hours, and more. Although remembrance of labor movements often focuses on white workers, Black activists were integral to shaping the labor movement . As a holiday, Labor Day has a complicated history, but it can serve as an important time to reflect on how labor issues show up in the present. While the tech industry is often thought of as a place where you go to get rich, that’s not the case for every worker. Tech workers are not just those who inhabit white-collar positions, but also Google’s contract workers , your Uber drivers, and DoorDash workers, who have been recently subject to a predatory tipping scheme. Essentially, the company used tips as a way to subsidize drivers’ base pay. As a result, there was a class-action lawsuit filed in May. “For example, if DoorDash promised the Dasher $5...
In 2018, there wasn’t a single week where we didn’t see Amazon or its CEO, Jeff Bezos, dominate headlines. From making major announcements about — and eventually reigning back — plans for its second headquarters, to branching into the clothing and grocery industries, to solidifying international sells of its artificial intelligence technology — the company has raised the standard for what it means to be a global brand. Now, BrandZ has named Amazon as the most valuable brand of the year in its Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2019 report — knocking off Apple and Google for the top position. Amazon grew by 52 percent from 2018 to 2019. “Amazon is a serial disruptor,” said David Roth, the CEO of The Store WPP, EMEA and Asia. Roth said that Amazon has changed what customers expect from brands and what businesses expect from suppliers and partners. “It’s doubtful that any of us predicted that this company would sell so much more online, transforming retail—and other categories—in just...
Google’s temps, vendors and contractors (TVCs) make up more of the workforce than most people may think. Now, a report by The New York Times has revealed just how differently Google treats its “Shadow Workforce.” For many, TVC positions are supposed to be a pathway into Google. However, The Times reported these employees are essentially barred from growth opportunities within the company. They’re not allowed to attend internal all-hands meetings nor company job fairs, and they don’t have access to internal job listings. In addition, TVCs are required to identify themselves by wearing red badges, as reported by Business Insider . The outlet previously found that “Google’s two-class employee system” means TVCs and full-time employees rarely interact. Earlier this year, Business Insider also reported that three former TVC workers said TVCs were banned from all internal chat forums running on Google Groups in 2018. The company cited “security concerns” as their reason. The stark...
New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission just voted to set a minimum wage for app-based drivers working for companies like Uber and Lyft. The new policy requires drivers to make $17.22 per hour— $15 minimum wage, plus paid time off —which could result in a pay raise of over $9,000 annually. The historic decision comes from a TLC study revealing most drivers currently take home roughly $11.90 per hour after expenses. Drivers are legally independent contractors and therefore are not protected under minimum-wage laws. The new rule is set to go in effect in 20 days. Economists developed a formula that would factor in trip mileage and time plus the percentage of time drivers have customers. Labor non-profit Independent Drivers Guild has been organizing to increase pay for app-based drivers for the past two years. “Today we brought desperately needed relief to 80,000 working families. All workers deserve the protection of a fair, livable wage and we are proud to be setting the new...
Low wage workers in Silicon Valley are not reaping the benefits of the region’s economic growth. According to a report funded by the UC Berkeley Labor Center, workers’ wages are now less than they were 20 years ago although Silicon Valley has experienced steady economic growth. There has also been a disproportionate 25 percent increase in low-wage jobs, while the number of middle and upper wage jobs declined. Wages have stagnated for nearly 90 percent of the workforce with a decreasing share of total output going to tech’s employees. Amazon announced earlier this month that it is increasing hourly wages from $11 to $15 after hitting a $1 trillion market cap in September. The new wages are set to go into effect On November 1. Amazon said that it is also ending its monthly bonuses and stock rewards for warehouse workers to help fund the wage increase. Comparatively, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos makes more than $28,000, the median salary for an Amazon employee, every 10 seconds. Older tech...
Amazon is getting rid of monthly bonuses and stock rewards for warehouse workers to help fund its new $15 minimum wage for its employees, Bloomberg reports. Amazon announced last week that it is raising its minimum wage for all of its hourly employees. By discontinuing its Restricted Stock Units Program, Amazon said it is able to offer employees “the predictability and immediacy of cash.” The company said that phasing out of its RSU program will result in more total compensation for its employees. Amazon employees could previously make hundreds of extra dollars with monthly bonuses; however, the bonuses were not guaranteed. The company is also lobbying for an increase in the $7.25 federal minimum wage. “We intend to advocate for a minimum wage increase that will have a profound impact on the lives of tens of millions of people and families across this country,” said Jay Carney, Senior Vice President of Amazon Global Corporate Affairs. Amazon employees will continue to...
Amazon is raising its minimum wage from $11 to $15 starting in November. The new minimum wage will also be offered to employees of Amazon’s subsidiaries including Whole Foods, and its seasonal and temporary workers — covering more than 250,000 employees and 100,000 seasonal employees. The tech giant is also lobbying to have the federal minimum wage, $7.25, raised. “We will be working to gain Congressional support for an increase in the federal minimum wage. The current rate of $7.25 was set nearly a decade ago,” said Senior Vice President of Amazon Global Corporate Affairs Jay Carney in a statement. Carney said that increasing the federal minimum wage will have a significant impact on millions of people in the U.S. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , 540,000 hourly workers earned minimum wage, while about 1.3 million workers were paid below the $7.25 minimum. Three percent of African American and white workers earned the federal minimum wage or less in 2017. The percentage...