Former NFL player Rashad Jennings always knew there was more in store for him beyond the field.
Jennings New Venture
Since retiring from the league, Jennings has extended his resume to include becoming a “Dancing with the Stars” champion, a New York Times best-selling author, and most recently, a podcaster.

He ventured into the podcast space alongside Lindsay McCormick to bring listeners The Bag with Rashad Jennings and Lindsay McCormick from Sports Illustrated.
For Jennings, his next venture feels timely and he looks forward to creating substantial conversation that will challenge and help bring greater understanding to the business behind sports.
Audience: “The focal point is to have conversations with successful men and women across the board and I’m gonna show how sports and business collide,” Jennings explained. “This podcast is not for an athlete at all. To reach a new plateau, we have to break traditional thought patterns that are not applicable and one of the thought patterns that are not applicable, that do not transcend, is putting up walls on where your limitations to success are.”

Generational knowledge: When asked about the driving force behind hosting the podcast, he explained generational knowledge is a focus point to ensure his children will be equipped to make better decisions and have a stepping stone to a better life. Hopefully, all listeners will have a similar experience.
“I’m doing this for a few reasons. I’m doing it selfishly, not even for myself with the information, I’m doing this to give my kids one day, which I don’t even have, an opportunity to study their dad and hear the conversation, hear his intellect, hear how he grew, because of this social media deal, this brand, this world we live in right now, it didn’t exist when my parents existed. If my parents wanted to pass me down some knowledge and information, it had to be written down in a book,” Jennings told AfroTech.
He continued: “My kids are going to be able to look up so much information about their father, what he said, what he did, what he was consistent with, his errors, and what he admitted. So, it’s gonna allow them to understand the world better. So, that’s why I’m creating this. I plan to be the leader from the grave and the only way I can do that is to be conscious of the decisions that I make on this side. So, I’m telling people how I’m getting to my bag, that I will never be able to spend.”
Topics featured on The Bag: According to information provided to AfroTech, Jennings will touch on topics including NFTs and crypto, fantasy, athlete contracts, and the sports media landscape, among others.
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Jennings expounded on his NFT take with AfroTech.
“Well, I think it’s a form of social status that I think if you get in the right way, that’s it’s a hustle truly. If you get in early with the right people, just like any hustle, you can get some income. As far as sustainability, my personal opinion, that’s all it is, is that interface and there will be another big thing at some point in time. NFTs to me are like a garage cell or a yard cell that you are able to certify exactly what it is that you say you are upselling and then it just becomes a social fad behind having a blue check.”
He continued: “If people love it, they love it, great. If they don’t, they don’t. If you can convince somebody that it’s valuable to have something in an unreal world, a fantasy world, I mean that’s why fantasy football works so well, because you got a lot of people that believe in something that isn’t real. I think that’s what NFTs do a good job of.”
Where To Listen
To hear more insights from Jennings, tune into The Bag every Tuesday on Apple podcasts, iHeartRadio, and Google Podcasts.
“Anybody with the ear that either needs inspiration appreciates inspiration, loves knowledge and information, wants to know secrets from the successors and apply that, The Bag is for you,” Jennings said.