Jade Ashley Colin is the youngest Black woman to own a McDonald’s—a Fortune 500 company—and we’re lovin’ it.

The 30-year-old New Orleans native began her career with the Golden Arches while attending the University of Louisiana, says Black Business. The daughter of McDonald’s franchise owners, Colin was familiar with the business.

As a result, after graduating with a degree in business management in 2012 and McDonald’s intensive Next Generation training program, she became a manager of the family franchise. In 2016, at age 26, Colin made history.

“My business is truly a blessing,” Colin said in an interview with The Black Professional. “It was never something I would have ever thought I would be doing.”

Despite her falling into her passion unexpectedly, Colin worked hard and shared advice on those looking to do the same.

“Take the risk and know that it will be a lot of hard work,” she told TBP. “Network and have a core team of genuine mentors. You need people who are in your corner that will positively motivate you. I say ‘genuine’ because not everyone will have your best interest at heart.”

Today, she continues to serve her community as she grows her business.

“As an African American community, we need more men and women to know that it’s not just about right now, but it’s about the generations to come,” she said.

In addition to ownership, Colin provides job opportunities for Black people, supports local organizations in their efforts, and has served free meals to first responders and medical personnel during the pandemic.