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Blavity Deals

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Here's What You Need To Learn How To Code

Code just got a lot easier. Social media influencer and Memphis, TN-based artist Eso Tolson talks about a very particular group of millennials he calls “The Bridge.” What’s so peculiar about this group, he describes, is their relationship with technology. From the evolution of the internet to the progressive introduction of new technology resources that’s changed the way humans live and interact, most millennials have an experience with innovative tech that is unique and nuanced. But behind all the technological advancements the world has seen are engineers and gurus that build out formulas and codes that make the science operational and user-friendly. Regardless of Millennials’ relationship with technology and its progress, the magic behind most of it is the code. In this instance, it’s not like an iPhone pin or the secure password for a smart door lock. According to Grasshopper, coding is how people translate human language and ideas to computers. A code informs a computer on what...

Apr 27, 2023

Learn The Fundamentals Of Blockchain, Bitcoin, And Crypto

Getting to the money is an idea that most people can get behind. From becoming a social media influencer to navigating a traditional job or even jumping into entrepreneurship, people are looking for ways to secure the bag and maximize wealth. One of the ways people are expanding their worth is through investments and alternative forms of traditional currency like cryptocurrency. And although cryptocurrency has become more and more popular, the reality of it still makes people scratch their heads a little bit. While crypto has been around since 2009, it has evolved. The digital currency market is expansive, and conversations around its use and inclusion in everyday life have become increasingly routine. And with such evolution comes questions about its usage and what it means for the future. Even the IRS requires users to claim crypto on their taxes, but it’s categorized as property. With so many uses, how can a person determine the best use of the currency? It is at this...

Apr 19, 2023