One common misconception about managing money is that the decisions of one individual only affect that person. Because our lives exist in ecosystems that impact multiple people, creating a financial plan often must bear in mind all those connected to the source.

But how do you establish a personal financial model that is best for the earner and still beneficial for all involved?

Getting your family or loved ones on board with an agreed-upon financial support model may not be the easiest thing to do, but it is not impossible. MassMutual believes one must build that financial planning muscle to achieve those collective goals.

MassMutual wants to empower people with tools to align with their loved ones on a shared vision to achieve financial dreams and peace of mind – providing an understanding of how to do so with a growth mindset.

Here are a few ways to strengthen financial muscles for you and your family.


Creating a budget that accounts for all income and expenses is a great start to knowing how money flows in and out. Where and what you spend money on helps you to determine how to direct your financial future best.

MassMutual has planning and money management resources that can help people with a range of things from planning for a wedding to tips for repaying college debt.

Planning for the Future

The future is unpredictable, but whatever lies ahead will come with costs. Whether providing funds for a child’s future college career or setting up investment strategies, planning for the future through savings and other resources can be extremely helpful.

Working with a financial professional can help you to determine the best strategy like the firm’s five tactics for things like starting early or knowing when and how to diversify.

Don’t Neglect Personal Privileges

Dating, vacations, and social outings are some things people desire and deserve. Having the social capacity means little if there aren’t funds to support. Understanding the economy of personal fulfillment gives perspective on what it takes to live and enjoy life.

Beyond the personal privileges, having discipline around those spending habits creates financial security. MassMutual believes in the financial wellness well that helps simplify your budget to understand how you can enjoy your funds but remain in line with your goals.

Invest In Yourself

Having a holistic financial plan for today through retirement is critical. A 401(k), IRA, and other investments can be important resources to support your future when traditional work is no longer an option. These types of investments, along with protection products like life insurance and disability insurance, can also provide peace of mind to family members as one ages.

Retirement shouldn’t have to be taboo. Whether you’re in your 20s or around the corner from retirement, MassMutual wants you to be prepared by creating lifestyle adjustments and intentional money moves to secure your financial future.

Save, Save, Save

It may seem rudimentary, but having a savings strategy can be clutch for a rainy day. From car maintenance to unexpected emergencies, a solid savings plan can help people avoid headaches when unforeseen circumstances appear.

Making it easier for users, MassMutual developed an ultimate guide for saving to help people reach all of their financial goals.

Click here to learn more about how you can continue to strengthen your financial muscles with your loved ones in mind.

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