If you’ve been wondering whether to purchase a Peloton bike, Shonda Rhimes says yes.

After teaming up with Beyoncé for an unprecedented partnership, the exercise equipment company has tapped Rhimes to create “Year of Yes,” an eight-week class collection, reports Forbes.

“This is happening. I asked and @onepeloton said YES. We’re giving you 8 weeks to say yes to your own self-care with special classes, different instructors, round table discussions. Just say YES. Yes to your body. Yes to beginning again. Yes to athleticism in every form,” Rhimes tweeted. “I want to end this year strong and start 2021 even stronger. Join me. You don’t need a Peloton bike or tread to participate — all you need is the app. And it’s okay to be scared. I’m scared too. We can do this together.”

The “Year of Yes” experience includes roundtable discussions between the award-winning producer and Peloton instructors and live, on-demand workouts that will include a variety of fitness disciplines. It’s a four-week program with each 20-minute class designed and led by Peloton instructors Robin Arzon, Tunde Oyeneyin, Adrian Williams, Jess Sims, and Chelsea Jackson Roberts. In addition, conversations will spill over onto social media.

“Like any of the iconic characters that Shonda has created, we’re all nuanced and possess the ability to surpass the limitations of our own imaginations,” said Peloton. “This year, Shonda is stepping into her power as an athlete because from her perspective, the act of working out is a practice for building resilience, strength and self-belief—a philosophy that holds true for the Peloton community as well. Storytelling and community are central tenets of Shonda’s production company, Shondaland, and she’s excited to partner with us, as a company whose values are so closely aligned with her own.”

For more information on how to join, click here.