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A Promotion But No Raise: Here's What To Do If You Get A Dry Promotion

After investing long days, months, and years in the hope of a promotion, you finally receive it. However, it’s different from the rewarding leap you anticipated. Instead, it’s a dry promotion—a mere change in title with added responsibilities but no pay increase. Companies often resort to dry promotions to retain hardworking employees without increasing pay. While it may seem like a step up on paper, it’s primarily a tactic to prevent employees from seeking better opportunities elsewhere. This article dives into why companies are doing this, whether you should accept the promotion, and why a promotion should come with higher pay. Why Are Companies Doing This? There are different reasons why a company might function this way, but all of them indicate a lack of true appreciation for their employees’ performance. Some may argue it’s due to cost and the need to maintain a balanced budget, but that’s often just an excuse. In reality, dry promotions are a way for companies to get more...

Jul 31, 2024

Writers Block? Here's What To Write In A Retirement Card For Your Mentor

Going straight out of school and into the professional world is a huge transition that leaves many feeling blindsided. Receiving guidance on how to navigate the change from someone with industry experience is invaluable, which is what makes mentors so impactful . That and the selflessness they exhibit by going out of their way to help you in whatever stage of your career you may be in so you can grow. Forming this kind of relationship can make it challenging to decide what to write in a retirement card for a mentor. An optimal message for a retirement card would be one that is fairly brief but sincere enough to convey the gratitude that person deserves. There is no shame in seeking inspiration for what to write in a retirement card for a mentor. Sometimes it is hard to convey feelings of gratitude and appreciation in the most appropriate words for the situation. These messages are a great start and can easily be edited to align with the card giver’s personal relationship with their...

Mar 15, 2024