kimberly wilson

kimberly wilson

AfroTech blogger

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Op-Ed: What Startups Can Learn About AI, Diversity, And Authenticity In Marketing

In today’s digital era, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of marketing strategies for businesses worldwide. As AI-driven marketing continues to gain momentum, it is projected to play a significant role in driving 45% of the total global economy by 2030, according to PWC. However, as AI streamlines marketing efforts, there is a need to balance the technology’s efficiency with the values of authenticity and diversity. Authenticity In Marketing: The Key To Relevance And Trust Authenticity in marketing is crucial for businesses looking to establish relevance and build trust with their customers. In the age of information overload, consumers are increasingly skeptical of traditional marketing tactics that feel disingenuous or manipulative. Instead, they seek genuine connections and experiences with businesses that align with their values and aspirations. Once trust is gone, it’s hard to get back. According to a study from Adobe, 71% of consumers surveyed say they...

kimberly wilson

Sep 7, 2023