Erica Terry Derryck


Erica Terry Derryck

AfroTech blogger

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Op-Ed: 3 Lessons I Learned About The Black Entrepreneurial Journey From Issa Rae And Nate Burleson

Over the course of my life, I’ve had a bird’s eye view of what it takes to be a Black entrepreneur as the wife of one. From what I’ve observed, embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is an act of courage. It’s a daunting road that comes with a lot of uncertainty and challenges, yet is simultaneously one of the most rewarding experiences life has to offer. For the Black community specifically, there are even more hurdles to overcome during this journey. It cost Black business owners approximately $21,000 to start their businesses — $5,000 more on average than their non-Black peers, according to an Intuit QuickBooks study. While this can feel discouraging, there are countless examples of successful Black entrepreneurs who have overcome roadblocks and gone on to achieve success. Issa Rae and Nate Burleson are two Black entrepreneurs who were tested along their entrepreneurial journey. Issa’s fame peaked when her show “Insecure” gained critical acclaim, and she’s now the CEO of her...