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How To Revamp Your Startup’s Dying Social Media Presence

Social media is such a huge (and free) marketing tool that startups must bring their A-game. Your company could be great, but a subpar Instagram or Facebook account could do some damage. Here are some pro-tips to revamp social media accounts: 1. Choose a branding strategy You have a logo, now what? It’s time to develop your brand. Simply put, a brand is the image your startup presents to the world. It’s what people will say about your company when you are not in the room. Essentially, your brand is your company’s reputation. It separates you from your competitors, so brainstorming branding strategies are essential. Looking through the lens of social media, we can define branding as how you communicate with your audience via posts. Will you employ a storytelling branding strategy or a branding strategy that provokes an emotional response from viewers? 2. Stick to your vision You started your company with a vision and goal in mind, so stick to it. Don’t believe the hype and be swayed...

Sep 26, 2019