Teen rapper and viral sensation Alaya “That Girl Lay Lay” High just secured the bag. In an Instagram post on Tuesday (June 16), High announced a deal with Nickelodeon to develop original multiplatform programming, music initiatives, and build cross-category consumer products, Deadline reports . “So so so soooooo excited to announce that I signed a deal with @nickelodeon and will be doing TV, Music and a bunch of other cool things with the #1 kid network to further my career,” she wrote. View this post on Instagram A post shared by That Girl Lay Lay (@thatgirllaylay) The Houston native has garnered millions of followers with her viral rap freestyles , which attracted a bevy of celebrity supporters, including Nicki Minaj and Nick Cannon. At age 11, Lay Lay became the youngest female rapper to sign a recording deal under her own imprint, Fresh Rebel Muzik/Empire, according to Deadline. Under the banner, she released her 2018 debut album “Tha Cheat Code,” — along with the deluxe album —...