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Lyft And Tinder Prove Chivalry Isn't Dead With New Feature

Have you recently hit pause on your love life? Well, Lyft and Tinder believe it’s time to put moves on your dating prospects while putting them on the move. In an unanticipated yet innovative matchup, the companies partnered on Oct.7 for a new Lyft feature that allows Tinder users to send their date a Lyft ride, according to a Lyft blog post. Outside continues to open back up and the dating app and transportation app have teamed up to assist getting real life connections back in action. “The seamlessly integrated feature encourages thoughtful gestures for those ready to get back out there and meet someone new,” Lyft shared. First impressions are crucial to securing a second date and the two apps are helping their users come in strong into the dating world in regards to in-person dating. This latest feature can be accessed through Tinder’s new Explore hub — where users can now buy a Lyft ride credit for their match to transport them to their special date. The feature’s steps are...

Oct 8, 2021

Apple & Google Pulled Three Dating Apps After The FTC Found Children Were Using Them

On Monday, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that Apple and Google removed three dating apps from their stores for allowing kids as young as 12 to access them. The apps in question — Meet24, FastMeet, and Meet4U — are operated by Wildec, a Ukraine-based company. The apps collected users’ birthdates, email addresses, photographs, and real-time location data, the FTC reported. Although each app’s privacy policy claimed to block users who indicated they were under 13, none of the apps actually did so. Instead, young children were able to use the app and be contacted by other people. The FTC did send each of the apps a warning letter, stating that allowing adult users to communicate with children “poses a serious health and safety risk.” In addition, the letter noted that “several individuals have reportedly faced criminal charges for allegedly contacting or attempting to contact minors using Wildec’s apps.” Most alarmingly, the FTC’s letter noted that Wildec seemed to be...

May 7, 2019

The Python Programming Language Just Got Rid Of These Racially-Charged Terms

The creator of programming language Python has officially banned its master/slavery terminology. The use of the terms “master” and “slave” aren't exclusive to Python, and have sparked many a debate in the tech community due to their connotations, and their connection to America’s sad history. Things came to a head last week when Python developer Victor Skinner  submitted four pull requests  to remove the words from the Python lexicon, according to Motherboard. “For diversity reasons, it would be nice to try to avoid ‘master’ and ‘slave’ terminology, which can be associated with slavery,” Skinner wrote. The request led to a bevy of heated commentary from other techies on . One user, Steven Daprano,  argued  "master" and "slave" are actually positive terms: “I strongly disagree with this as a general principle. Master/slave" is a powerful, obvious metaphor which works well and is not the same as parent/child, server/client or employer/worker. In fact, in the BDSM...

Sep 15, 2018