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When most people want to find a piece of information, Google is a popular choice. From researching what to eat to determining what theorists are saying about the rumored Destiny Child’s reunion album, people from around the globe use Google to help solve their problems, big or small. To make the otherwise simple “dot com” navigation more aesthetically appealing, the search engine periodically changes its doodle to pay homage to historical figures and events. Today’s doodle is in honor of Elijah McCoy. Google
Dajae Williams — a quality control engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab — used to struggle with math. Now, she uses hip hop to teach math and science to the youth. When she began working for NASA, Williams felt out of place. “There was no women in my group, there are only a few African Americans in my group or people of color for that matter. So, nobody looked like me, no one acted like me, so it was definitely different and I did not fit it,” she said in a NPR interview . After seeking to change how she felt in the workplace, Williams created raps to make science and math more relatable to children of color. “Energy and force/mathematics, studying the Big Bang/ I’m observing something and it may be nothing a hypothesis could change the game,” she raps. As a child Williams was involved in a desegregation program that places inner city students at schools with bigger budgets and more detailed curriculums. The move was initially challenging for Williams who struggled to adapt, but...