Former Atlanta Hawks player Dominique Wilkins is attaching himself to a winning cause.

According to a news release, the NBA Hall of Famer is now committing his focus to Roots, an Atlanta, GA-based real estate company that offers a model benefiting investors and renters.

Per its website, the company will purchase, manage, and rent homes to renters.

From there individuals can become investors, and the renters can also opt in if they comply by paying their rent on time and maintaining the property.

Since Roots’ launch in 2021, it has raised $33 million from over 6,000 investors to support its mission.

Wilkins is now among its investors and also serves as the company’s partner and spokesperson. His intention behind supporting the brand is to create more opportunity in real estate for those frequently marginalized.

Looking ahead, Wilkins’ work with the company will include using his likeness in videos and at gatherings to promote Roots and its “Live in it Like You Own it®” proprietary program, which encourages residents to invest their first deposit and quarterly rebates in the Roots REIT (real estate investment trust).

“By following the program, renters are growing their wealth by an average of $3,600 in just two years and up to $10,000 in five years,” the press release reads.

Reflecting on the company’s effort and his role, Wilkins said in a press release, “Roots is providing the opportunity for anyone to invest in real estate. I love Atlanta, and as long as the wealth gap keeps widening, generations of people are getting left behind. We can change that at Roots, and I feel like this might be the best team I’ve ever played on.”

Roots Founder and CEO Daniel Dorfman also shared a statement.

“Dominique is exactly the person we wanted to join us on this mission. He’s an Atlanta legend and cares deeply about this city and its people. I grew up watching Dominique lead the Hawks to victory, and his endorsement means that we can reach more people both on and off the court,” Dorfman said.