Being in the NFL shifted Brandon Copeland’s perspective on money.

Entrepreneur reports Copeland was raised in an environment that supported his journey in sports as a child. However it came because his mother chose not to spend money on extras like soda from a fast food restaurant or candy at the store.

His understanding of money would be shaped while he attended the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and interned at Union Bank of Switzerland, but it was further strengthened when he signed on to play for the NFL’s Baltimore Ravens in 2013. The league’s Players Association informed him about benefits that include a matched 401(k).

“I had to make it to the Baltimore Ravens to learn what a 401(k) is,” Copeland told the outlet. “This is a tool that most people who interact with an employer may have the ability to use, but who taught my mom about a 401(k)? Who taught my brother about a 401(k)? Who taught anyone I love about these things that are just real facts of life?”

Copeland became even more determined to secure his future beyond the NFL. To do so, he was mindful of his spending habits and started saving, as well as opted to eat at the team facility and take meals home. He also became an investor and saw success in real estate in 2017. He purchased five properties that later made him six figures within that year.

“Having the success kind of got me hooked,” Copeland said, per Entrepreneur, “but it also showed me, ‘Okay, I can make money off the field in large lump sums by doing this and using my mind.”

Copeland then founded BTC Investments, alongside his wife, Taylor Copeland. Per the company website, it has invested in Airbnb, Lyft, and Triller, among others. Additionally it is making impactful investments through affordable housing. Among BTC Investments’ projects is a 12,000-square-foot building on MLK Boulevard in Newark, NJ. It was purchased for $1.55 million to establish 40 rental units with a community area and rooftop space. Additionally, 20% of the units are being allocated for affordable housing.

“We believe in creating a better future for not only ourselves, but also for generations to come. That’s why we carefully select investment opportunities that have the potential to improve lives and create a better world for everyone,” a statement on the website reads.

Today, BTC Investments now encompasses 353 acres of land development projects; 1,123 multi-family units; and an investment portfolio totaling $203 million.