When a new trademark filing suggested that Wingstop would be available in the metaverse, folks were — to put it mildly — confused.
After all, what would be the point of buying “virtual chicken”?
As it turns out, the answer was more complex than it seemed on the surface.
“Wingstop may be planning for users to trade NFTs, digital assets, and artwork through an online marketplace,” read AfroTech’s previous report on the matter. “In addition, the trademark extends to downloadable software for trading cryptocurrency, NFTs, digital tokens, downloadable loyalty, and reward cards. Wingstop states users will benefit from loyalty and reward cards not only in the virtual world but in real life, too.”
And that’s just the first of many crazy things that are available for purchase in the metaverse. While the value of such purchases are subjective — with experts debating on whether the investment in the virtual reality world will be worth it, in the long run — things are still available for purchase, and people are still buying them in mass quantities while spending good money to do so.
We’ve come up with a list of the five craziest things you can buy in the metaverse — and this is just the beginning of the many things that will soon be available on a Web3 platform.
Real Estate

Real estate is booming in the metaverse — so much so that, as AfroTech previously reported, people are spending actual house payments on purchasing plots of virtual land. In fact, someone just recently paid $450,000 to live next door to Snoop Dogg in the metaverse!
Virtual peanuts? Virtual bubble paper? Virtual packing supplies? Packing Digest reports that all these things — and more — are now available in the metaverse, which makes sense because if you’re going to buy a virtual gift for someone, you need some way to pack it and send it.

With the rise of cryptocurrency being what it is, it was only a matter of time before “virtual money” was available in the metaverse. And according to MoneyTalksNews, the Fidelity investment firm got ahead of the curve with that offering by making not one, but two, virtual coins available in the Web3 space.
Video Games
In a press release announcement, it was revealed that Puzzle Royale — one of the most popular games in the world — unveiled its virtual video game in the metaverse in April 2022. And that seems to be the first of many video game offerings that will be available.
Tickets to Sporting Events

In January 2022, AfroTech reported that the Brooklyn Nets were the first professional sports team to enter the metaverse — and they would soon be offering tickets to their sporting events in the virtual reality world as a result. And in April 2022, Forbes reported that the Masters — the world-famous golf tournament — was considering doing the same thing next year.