Many business functions, no matter the industry, use the Internet to send packets of communication which adjust inventory levels, charge credit cards, manage personnel profiles and much more. Since we’re in an ultra-connected society and there’s no going back, there are always online threats that we should be aware of including viruses, malware, trojan horses, ransomware, Social Engineering, man in the middle attacks, phishing and more. According to Verizon’s 2019 Data Breach Investigation Report , 43 percent of breaches targeted the data or processes of small businesses. Even though the threat of cyber attacks is high than its ever been, cyber security remains an afterthought for too many entrepreneurs and business owners — something they’re only focused on after the damage is done. Here are a few steps any diligent business owner who wants to ensure their operations run effectively and safely should take to protect their business data and maintain client and customer trust: 1....