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Ever open your Inbox to find an email or two from reporters asking for comment on something you know nothing about? If you haven’t yet, but run or manage a business, chances are you will. And even if you don’t have a PR department, you can handle whatever comes your way. First, don’t panic. Next, take a deep breath. Then follow these six steps: Gather the Facts Responding appropriately first requires you fully understand the nature of the problem. Find out, in detail, what has gone wrong. Only then can you determine what and to whom you need to communicate, as well as the best ways to get the appropriate messaging across. Coordinate Internally As you start to gather your facts, pull together relevant staff and key stakeholders, such as investors and Board members, and fill them in. You’ll need to gather all the facts and prevent others on your team who may have received the same inquiry from responding on their own. Start to Fix the Underlying Problem You’ll need a plan to fix...
Whether you have a desire to get press coverage online, in print or even appear on radio or TV, getting media coverage isn’t a matter of simply creating a press release or media kit. Pitching is an art form. A pitch that works for one media outlet, may not work for another outlet. Critical success factors for writing a good pitch email are timeliness, relevance, clarity and a compelling story angle. So, before you click “send” on your email pitch, here are five questions you should ask before pitching a journalist: 1. Have I included a possible story angle within my pitch? A story angle is a theme or point of view and it could make or break the success of your pitch. It should demonstrate value for the media outlet’s audience. You can have several different angles to your brand story or even a single event. To identify story angles: “Be a resource, not a sales pitch.” Ask yourself: How does my story angle help the publication’s audience? Use the calendar as your guide. Connect your...