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HBCU Puts $10M Of Its Cares Act Funding Directly Into The Hands Of Its Future Black Doctors, Dentists & More

Meharry Medical College is ensuring the future of its Black doctors, dentists, and more is secure. In 2021, graduate students were reportedly surprised with $10,000 cash. The grand gesture — made by Meharry’s administration — allocated $10 million in COVID-19 relief funding from the CARES Act to surprise 956 students. “We’ll gift each of you $10,000 in cash,” Dr. James Hildreth, the school’s president, said in a video message, according to Kaiser Health News. “You heard me right.” The financial relief proves to be timely for Meharry’s students, who played a pivotal role in providing aid at COVID-19 testing and vaccination sites. The students have operated as a vehicle of change, and the Historically Black College and University (HBCU) is hopeful the generous contributions will be helpful to advance the future careers of the cohort. “We felt that there was no better way to begin distributing these funds than by giving to our students who will soon give so much to our world,” Hildreth...

Jan 4, 2022