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David C. Williams’ innovative spirit remained a driving force in his journey to overcome obstacles and significantly impact the tech space. The engineer was born in Dallas, TX, in what he describes as the “poorest corner of the city.” At an early age, he became an avid reader, consuming up to eight books a week at times, he says. Williams’ inquisitive nature was further fueled as he read more books , and he maintained this even in the face of adversity. He lost his home in a fire, and at the age of 8 his father died by suicide. “There’s a quote that Einstein has that says ‘innovation is born out of necessity.’ And when I combine that creativity that my parents started me off with and the hardships that were soon to follow, losing my dad or the house fire — just all sorts of things that went on — I never let go of the creativity,” Williams told AFROTECH™. He continued, “Many people who live or come from underserved communities have a lot of ingenuity. And I figured out that...