A new survey released by Bank My Cell studied the bathroom habits of smartphone users across the country. The results: most Americans are toilet texters.

The data shows 96 percent of Gen Z—people under 23—phone users take their phone in the bathroom compared to 90 percent of millennials, demonstrating (and confirming) the overwhelming dependence younger generations have to smartphones.

Nearly 43 percent of generation X confess to using smartphone apps in the bathroom while 11 percent of the silent generation are taking their cell phones

The study also found that 80 percent of men use their phone on the toilet, compared with 69 percent of women. The study surveyed 2,114 people in the U.S. between June 1 and Aug 31. 

Fifty-four percent of bathroom cell phone users admitted to scrolling through social media and an average of 40 percent of people admitted to responding to text messages.

The study revealed some additional interesting facts about what smartphone users are doing to occupy their time while on the toilet. Forty percent of people admit to using their smartphone to set the mood while on the throne.

The result demonstrating high cell phone usage while in the bathroom are accompanied by a nauseating statistic showing 90 percent of Americans wash their hands, but only 16.5 percent clean their phones.

Scientists at the University of Arizona found that cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria than most toilet seats.

Cell phone usage in the restroom is the most popular in Georgia, California, New York, and Mississippi, according to the study.