At 28-years-old, most individuals are adjusting to life after college or enrolling again to advance their degrees even further, but not Caroline Esinam Adzogble.

As an entrepreneur and the owner of Potters International College located in Accra, Ghana, Adzogble is the youngest woman in Africa to own an accredited college, according to Black Enterprise.

Adzogble first launched the educational institution in 2016, as a platform where young students and working professionals could receive career training for future jobs.

Potters College offers a wide variety of training programs including: communications and media, marketing, business management, jewelry design, and web and software development.

“I am on the quest to uplift education within Africa and beyond, to make education the most accessible and affordable to students located in over 146 countries,” Adzogble told Face 2 Face Africa.

According to Black Enterprise, Adzogble is also the founder of IAES Africa, an international student recruitment platform that has recruits from 43 countries.

Other notable accomplishments of Adzogble include co-founding Caroline University and serving as president of Mercy Heart Foundation, an organization that provides merit-based scholarships for students to study aboard.

Adzogble also serves as CEO of the Caroline Group, a huge educational conglomerate in West Africa, Ghana.