Maria Toler is behind one of the largest women’s health funds, according to Shoppe Black.

SteelSky Ventures

Since 2017, Toler has served as the founding and managing Partner of SteelSky Ventures, her LinkedIn mentions. The venture capital firm was created to support companies dedicated to bettering health outcomes for women.

“To enhance access, care, and outcomes in women’s health, we prioritize investing in founders employing diverse approaches to problem-solving,” Toler told Shoppe Black. “This allows us to source and scale companies driving real innovation in overlooked and underserved communities.”

Portfolio Companies

As AFROTECH previously told you, Cayaba Care is one of the firm’s portfolio companies. To bridge the gap in care, the startup has helped more than 10,000 women in the United States and is providing holistic maternity care and tools to those in underserved communities. As of 2022, Cayaba Care has raised $15 million.

SteelSky Ventures’ additional portfolio companies include Midi Health (menopausal care), Origin (pelvic floor physical therapy), Twentyeight Health (telemedicine for reproductive health care), and Mae (marketplace improving Black maternal health).

“SteelSky partners with passionate founders innovating in women’s health,” Toler explained, according to Shoppe Black. “We invest in Series A companies with product-founder fit, demonstrated solutions to critical women’s health issues, and readiness to collaborate with leading healthcare institutions.”

Overseeing $73M In Total Assets

To date, SteelSky Ventures now manages $73 million in total assets, notes the outlet, placing the firm as one of the largest women’s health-focused venture capital firms.

Toler credits some of the firms success to advisors and an all-female-led team.

“To impact women’s health, assemble a diverse team providing a comprehensive perspective on disruptive areas,” Toler suggested to other VC firms interested in the space, per Shoppe Black. “SteelSky’s all-female team and ecosystem of advisors and advocates have been foundational to our success. Diverse leadership fosters innovation and understanding of the nuanced challenges in women’s health, driving meaningful impact.”