This takes investing in your children to a whole new level.

According to CBS 8, Faheem Muhammad gifted his son 40 acres of land for his 13th birthday.

In 2021, he purchased 198 acres of land in an effort to take breaks from the busyness of the city life.

Now, a portion of that land has been given to his son whose name is also Faheem. Muhammad’s goal was to teach his child the importance of land ownership at an early age.

“I thought it would be a great opportunity to teach him a life lesson about the land,” he shared.

The 13-year-old already has big plans for his newfound territory, sharing that he wants to approach the space for camping.

“You could build, like, ATVs around the whole thing,” said Faheem, according to the outlet. “Build a zipline from the mountain.”

A Newfound Peace

For Muhammad, having access to a place outside of the hustle and bustle of the city provides his family with a space to escape.

“We see clear space, where we can uninterruptedly enjoy nature, especially growing up in a congested city like L.A.,” Muhammad said. “When we are out here, it’s totally different.”

In addition to sharing these values with his own son, Muhammad and his family also teach other children in the Los Angeles area.

Through his mother, Aminah, Muhammad and his siblings learned firsthand what it means not only to own something but also to use what you have to help others. For years, she organized Rites of Passage camps for inner-city children. His siblings have continued this tradition, bringing children from Los Angeles to a camp space in San Diego County at first, and then to their own property.