This Howard University (HU) graduate is living proof that you’re never too old to follow your dreams!
According to a news release distributed by the venerated Historically Black College and University (HBCU), 70-year-old Joseph Grant is a proud member of the HU graduating class of 2021. He’s matriculating from the university with a Ph.D. in political science. Dr. Grant’s focus will be on American government and Black politics.
“I always wanted to go to Howard University, literally all my life. This is my first HBCU experience,” said Dr. Grant, in a statement included in the university’s release. “When I graduated high school, there was a big move to integrate, and because they needed Black students and I needed the money, it was an easy decision to go to those schools. I was determined [as I got older] that when my children were in college, they would go to an HBCU.”
Dr. Grant said that he grew up during a time of segregation, where things were “separate but equal” in the United States for Black Americans, especially in the deep south. Grant, a native of South Carolina, decided to take a leap of faith when he was 65-years-old, and packed up lock, stock, and barrel, and moved to Washington D.C. to attend Howard University.
And he said it wasn’t long before his faith helped him land on his feet.
“God just worked it out,” said Grant.
And even though his studies were delayed by two years thanks to a medical issue, Dr. Grant persevered thanks to the support of other Howard University professors, including the late dean Dr. Gary Harris.
Though Dr. Grant hasn’t revealed the results of his research work quite yet, he said that he will do so right after he officially graduates later this month.
And he promises that Howard University needs to keep an eye out for another legacy: his two-year-old grandson.
“I’ve decided that when I put my dissertation in bind, I’m going to give it to him, Mason, with my autograph. I want him to know that his grandfather did it and that I completed my program at 70 after facing many challenges. I want him to be really motivated to come to Howard when it’s his time,” he said.