Job hunting in any field is highly competitive. Even in occupations with multiple opportunities such as technology, it can still be a struggle finding a job that gives you a sense of fulfillment. Also if you have a great resume and cover letter, that does not always guarantee you a job with your dream company. To make your job search quick and more efficient, you have to go the extra mile in every possible way. Here’s how to show your employer that you are more than your resume:

Dress the part for the interview.

Your appearance is the best way to make a great first impression. Make sure you call the office at least a couple of days before your interview and ask what the specific dress code is.

For example, if it is business casual, double check the particular definition online and make sure you have the proper attire needed for the interview. It may help to read a couple of blogs such as this one which gives you examples of business casual attire to make sure you have the proper attire for the interview. If not, buy a professional outfit for yourself that fits the company’s dress code. If the company tells you to “keep it casual,” your clothing should still have a professional essence to it. To better understand what that means, check out this article which gives you tips on what to wear when a company has no specific dress code. Looking the part will not only provide a professional impression to your potential employer but gives you a boost in confidence as well.

Research the company’s culture and their main mission thoroughly.

Be sure to also research the company’s website to find out about the primary mission and culture. This assessment will help you know what to expect from the interviewer. Not only will this prepare you but also give you a better understanding of the culture. For example, if you’re applying for a position at The Tech Connection Inc., you should primarily take a look at their About us page. This information will help you learn more about the CEO, other employees, the company’s mission, and partners. You should also research your interviewer to better connect their background to your conversation.

Do some meditation or breathing exercises daily.

Interviews can make anyone nervous even if you are well prepared. Try to find some quick meditation practices online to clear your thoughts. This way, you are less likely to ramble and sound more confident. There are many free meditation videos on Youtube for you to watch. One of my personal favorites is The Five Minute Miracle — Daily Guided Meditation, a quick 5-minute meditation designed to calm your thoughts and promote positive thinking. Even if you don’t have an interview that day, it’s a good idea to insert meditation into your daily routine to help with your mental and emotional health.

Be authentic in your accomplishments and passions.

When talking about your accomplishments and passions regarding your work or university life, be honest and authentic. If you lie or grossly exaggerate an achievement, it could get discovered by the interviewer, and you most likely will not get a call back for a second interview. Tell about what you are passionate about or an accomplishment you’ve made. It can be a project that you had done well on that is related to the position. Whatever it is, make sure you know what you are going to say and how you will say it. When you speak with confidence and authentic passion, your interviewer will get a good impression of you, and you will have a better chance of getting the position. Check out this article if you need help with coming up with your perfect and honest story to tell your interviewer.

Ask well thought out questions towards the end of the interview.

Assuming you know your interviewer’s background pretty well with your prior research, it can be a good idea to ask them questions related to them in their professional role, rather than generic questions that won’t help you stand out. For example, you can ask something like: “Did your Marketing Management background help you attain this specific position?”, “What were your main challenges when you first started working here?” Moreover, “Are their any resources that you can recommend for me to excel in this position?” Avoid asking overly broad generic questions such as “What is your working style?” or “ Do you like your job?” Asking different questions towards the end of the interview will help the interviewer remember you better and show that you are passionate about doing the best at the specific position. For more great ideas of some useful questions to ask your interviewer, check out this article.

Write a thank you letter after your interview.

Last but not least don’t forget to email a unique thank you letter to your interviewer thanking them for their time and the opportunity. Additionally, please do not forget to highlight the main parts of the interview and how it gave you a better understanding of the company as a whole. Try to keep it to around two to three paragraphs long, but more than a couple of sentences, so it has depth but isn’t overly long. Try to email the interviewer about 6 to 12 hours after the interview. This letter should let the interviewer know that you truly enjoyed the conversation and are still interested in the position, while also giving the interviewer enough time for them to process on how well the interview went on their end. For some good examples of professional thank you letters, check out this article.