By michael vivar
The initial reaction when a friend requests a recommendation letter is to be honored. It may set in a moment later the gravity and responsibility of the appeal.
Such a letter can chart the course of a person's education, career and/or personal endeavors.
A well-crafted letter makes a strong impression on potential employers and other evaluators. Here are tips to write a personalized and effective missive for a friend.
Recommendation letters can be for a job, grad school, volunteering etc. Each demands a different focus. Research the organization and position to tailor a letter accordingly.
It's easy to begin waxing poetic when writing about a friend. Maintain a professional tone. Use clear, concise language. Ensure the letter is free of grammatical or spelling errors.
Introduce yourself and clarify the relationship with a friend. Explain how long you've known them and in what capacity. This establishes credibility.
The main body should discuss your friend's strengths, skills and accolades. Use specific examples. Make sure these qualities are germane to the intended position.
Objective qualifications alone don't guarantee the position. Traits including integrity, empathy and work ethic illustrate how a friend will perform day-to-day.
Conclude the letter with enthusiastic sentiments about why a friend would be a perfect fit not only for the position but for the organization. Offer availability for follow-up questions.
To cover all points, write a first draft to put all ideas on "paper." Use subsequent drafts to hone the letter into a recommendation that's pithy and surgical.