6 Fundraising Ideas For Good Causes

By michael vivar 

In an ideal world, no one would want for anything. Funds would be available for medical bills, supplemental education programs and whatever else allows people to not just survive, but thrive.

The world is far from ideal. Personal stories abound of one medical emergency causing financial ruin or a community project struggling for resources.

In many cases, private individuals and groups fill in the cracks of social responsibility.  A cost-effective way to do that is through fundraising. Here are some ideas on how you can join in.

Merchandise Sales

Branded merch like pens and t-shirts can be bought inexpensively, in bulk, online and sold with profits going to the cause. They're also conversation starters that raise awareness.

Direct Fundraising

Contact lists of charitable donors are available for purchase. Organizing volunteers to phone bank, stuff envelopes and help set up an online payment option is a great start.

Sponsored Competitions

Contests such as 5K runs/walks and dance-offs where participants attract sponsors decentralize the effort of collecting funds.

Ticketed Events

These can be anything from casual art openings and concerts to black tie galas. Gauge the interest and income levels of likely attendees to determine which event fits best.


Platforms like KickStarter and Patreon make it easy to set up a fundraising website that can be disseminated via email. Make sure the initial appeal is well-presented.

Casino Night

It's relatively low-effort to set up gaming tables. The buy-in fee and a portion of winnings go toward fundraising goals. Be aware of local gambling laws.

Tax Implications

Depending on fundraising methods and amounts raised, money collected may be taxable. A brief call to the local IRS office will prevent unexpected tax burdens.

Be Transparent

Disclose as much as possible to donors and participants. It not only builds trust, but makes people feel good being part of a worthy cause.

"Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain." - Helen Keller

Using the correct tools, your altruistic goals are within reach.

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