An event software company used facial recognition technology to analyze the gender diversity of more than 60,000-panel speakers at tech conferences and events in the last five years. The results: tech event speakers are made up of mostly men.
Bizzabo today released the Gender Diversity & Inclusion in Events Report compiling data from thousands of the world’s largest professional events across 23 countries. The survey found Internet-focused event speakers were 79 percent male and 21 percent female.
Information technology event speakers were 80 percent men and 20 percent women and venture capital event speakers were 82 percent male and 18 percent female. IT services speakers were 80 percent male and 20 percent female.
Computer software event speakers have a slightly higher percentage of women speakers at 25 percent female and 75 percent male.
“Every event benefits from having greater gender diversity and balance across its speaker lineup,” said Alon Alroy, Bizzabo’s co-founder and chief marketing officer. “By releasing this data, we hope to spotlight the lack of representation that’s still, unfortunately, too common.”
Kenya has the overall highest number of female speakers with 42 percent followed by Mexico with 39 percent and the United States at 35 percent. Poland has the least gender diversity overall in event speakers at 10 percent.
Read the full report here.